The website does not recognize my email/password? I can't reset my password through the app!

*This article is for members who have originally subscribed through our app*

If for any reason you're unable to watch the lessons through our app, but you know that you have an active subscription (either through iTunes or Google Play), please try these steps to restore your purchase:

  1. Uninstall the app and reinstall our latest update.
  2. Do not use your previous email and password to log into the app.
  3. Instead, click on a video to watch.
  4. The app will prompt you to resubscribe.
  5. Go ahead and click the button, it should take you to the pricing page.
  6. Underneath the red payment, there will be an option to restore your purchase.
  7. Click "Restore purchase"

You should now be able to watch the lessons. If for any reason you are still have trouble or have additional questions, feel free to contact us and submit a support ticket. 

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